Jeremy Baker Featured on The Quit Getting Screwed Podcast


It’s time for another breakdown of lien laws in the U.S.! This week, Karalynn is taking a trip back to her home state of Illinois with Jeremy Baker, a clever and committed construction attorney in IL. From your Illinois lien timelines to when you are allowed to send notice for your liens, Jeremy has a lot of excellent insight into how Illinois contractors can ensure they are properly paid for their work.

Jeremy breaks down details on:

  • State licenses, and what requirements exist for contractors operating within the state.
  • The many ways you can lose out on your right to lien by filing an untimely or invalid lien in Illinois
  • Why no contractor wants to miss out on the leverage liens provide.

Jeremy believes Illinois contractors deserve to have the best shot at getting paid what they are owed, and he works to make that intention a reality for all of his clients. If you work in construction in IL, take the time to give this episode a listen and fortify the financial future of your construction company today! Like and review the episode if you learn something new while listening! 

Listen to the podcast here!

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Quit Getting Screwed was recorded on and is distributed by Castos.

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Jeremy S. Baker is an experienced Chicago-based attorney who provides transactional, dispute resolution, and general counsel services to the design and construction industry. He uses creative project structuring and intelligent contracts, plus dispute avoidance and early cost-efficient claim resolution techniques, to help his clients complete challenging projects.